
I was always a big fan of video games and games in general. Playing video games sparked up my interest in computers and software in my early stages of childhood. Since then I always wanted to create games one time in my life and I as I grew up in the rapidly changing computer development era, I found it fascinating how much better and more realistic games got each year. Being part of a developer team and collaborate on really cool games at some point in my life is definitely a goal of mine. In the meantime, busy with college classes and athletics, I am just experience game development on a very small scale. So a year back I created this small game on Java, called Cave Escape. It is really more of a free time hobby of mine, rather then anything serious. I have been working on it about 50 hours until now, really only when I got some free time and feel like it or after my school assignments to relax. I coded it in Java with Lightweight Java Game Library and some basic math libraries. You can find a small intro to the first level Here

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to let me know by commenting under the video.
All pictures used are open source.